#gif: johnny carson
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The Muppets interview Vincent Price on the Johnny Carson Show (1979)
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 4 months
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paul williams, the tonight show |1973|
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80smusicgifs · 1 year
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Madonna - The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson - 1987
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spockvarietyhour · 2 years
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Wonder what’s on
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When you're scrolling through clips for another post and Jerry pulls a cute Jerry and it nearly takes you out cold
It was too friggin cute not to gif
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honoringthehorrific · 6 months
Is Late Night with The Devil worth tuning in for?
Don't adjust those sets...spoilers in 5..4..3..2...
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First off sorry for not being able to find a gif from the movie! Tumblr gave me a real hard time with that one.
Second off I would like to say I do not support the use of AI art. I think it is abysmal. I watched this movie with my partner after saving up points at our local theater for free tickets. If this still supports the movies we see in some way please let me know and I will be sure to find another way to better watch these movies without supporting their actions...🏴‍☠️🦜 It just may mean you get your reviews a touch later!
Onto the movie. The aesthetics were very enjoyable I could appreciate the ties back to satanic panic and the fascination with the occult. The costuming, the filming of the movie, it all felt right and very few times did I feel my immersion in it break. I feel like maybe there were one or two shots where the actors looked too well made up if that makes sense.
One fun fact my partner pointed out was that you can see the twin towers in the opening shots and the city cut aways because they were built 4 years prior! I really liked that this movie didn't shy away from showing us the towers mostly because I feel like that's something that would have broken the idea we are in the 70s.
While the filming was fitting and awesome the effects were....I would say B tier at points. I think it adds to the charm of course I can always appreciate a homemade effect but it does slightly pull me out of this being something that really happened. Don't get me wrong I know it's not trying to be the next Blair witch "true story" but i feel like there is some level to this that wants the audience to feel that this is real.
My partner notes too that cutting it from a television camera view to the audience view might have helped as well!
Onto the fun stuff, we get hints throughout...sorry no, not hints...we get TOLD throughout the movie that our star of tonight's show, jack delroy, is in a fraternal organization...sorry, i mean cult. He is in the Bohemian Grove cult. We get told there are rumors of this in the opening almost documentary style retelling of Jack's fame and struggles with being as good as Johnny Carson. We'll come back to that.
Tonight is 1977. Halloween night. Sweep week. A night where Jack really needs to scrape in the views. He has no idea that the plans he has this evening will go awry...recently his wife madeline who will be reffered to by her "special nickname" mini has passed away from lung cancer. Tonight's show is also jacks first one back and man is it a doozy. We get to see how he banters with his co-host and honestly kind of berates him. I had this struggle with jack where I wanted to like him but every time I tried I just got these kicks and hints that he was kind of an asshole? But it's show biz, who isn't? His first guest is a medium who intends to commune with the dead. He seems like other shoddy Vegas types until he accurately assess a family who lost their son and brother to suicide. It's later revealed to be a bunch of hooey when the next guest a renowned skeptic chats with the family and realizes they were questioned prior to the show.
The first chilling moment we get that isn't the use of AI art is the medium seemingly becoming possessed by the grieving spirit of mini however no one claims the name and only later does jack reveal he thinks the message was for him.
I'm not gonna foot around it. The use of AI art while not overly used and egregious it's present. Personally it being present feels like an issue. It bugs me and it should bug you. I know many people want to cut it a break for being an indie film but it doesn't take much to put some money towards what was it? 5-6 pieces of art? Yeah some people will have higher rates for working on this but I'm sure they could have found someone to do the art if they felt theirs wasn't up to par. I don't think they're fully evil or anything for it. I don't support AI art but I can understand the other side of the argument. However when you turn a blind eye to one film and it does well it doesn't matter if it's an indie project or not. It makes the big guys think hey we like this. Give the devil an inch and he'll take a mile right?...
That all being said I could ignore the cut aways kind of??...I paid attention for mistakes the first few times before the sight of them just elicited an annoyed eyeroll from me.
As the movie progresses we meet the skeptic. He's offering checks to people who can prove without a doubt that they're the real deal and he says hes not lost a nickel yet. The medium claims he doesn't want the money and when Jack vouches for him and says the last message was meant for him the medium's behavior gets more and more erratic before he finally spews black vomit all over the studio including onto the skeptic.
Little do we know on the way to the hospital our medium turns up dead. This starts to brew panic in the crew and our co-host as our next guests are brought on. June and Lily. Lily was found as a 10 year old by the authorities as the only surviving member of a satanic cult that kind of parodies the satanic church and Anton lavey. Lily is possessed by a demon she calls mr.wriggles. mr.wriggles is an interesting one alright! Wether it's trauma, the demonic possession or my boyfriend's theory- autism. Lily exhibits off behaviors like staring directly into the cameras and seeming very monotone at times. It isn't until Jack pushes for and honestly...kind of corners June on live TV that June and Lily decide to showcase Lily's ability. Man does this demon have something to say.
The demon begins by noting that him and Jack know each other hinting at a tie between the Grove cult again. Before intent focuses again on June. Calling her out for her and jacks relationship and telling her to remember what happened to his last whore. Possession doesn't cease until June slaps the girl. Let me tell you I didn't trust this at all. June goes to undo the straps after some crazy electrical issues and levitation and I just felt uneasy the whole time. That typical feeling while watching these movies of "are you stupid??" Lily in my eyes had a very sinister look to her still that later gets touched on again. We then get the skeptics explanation and recreation with hypnosis. Making our co-host believe his phobia of worms is suddenly real life with them wriggling from his neck stomach and lastly eyeball. Only for us to cut back to reality with his activation phrase and see that none of it was true. They watch the tape back and realize that the whole audience was hypnotized because none of that truly happened on their TV sets. However when watching back what happened with Lily it triggers the girl.
She levitates and glows while her head splits open. She immolates the skeptic when he offers the hefty check in exchange for his life and hangs her guardian/doctor by the necklace meant to keep the demon at bay. And unfortunately our chunky loveable co-host gets his neck snapped when trying to "the power of Christ compels you" the demon away. It isn't until we get this gorgeous dream like sequence after Jack seemingly gets away. Him going through the routine of the show only to try and escape. Him telling us to turn off our sets and stop watching before we get a sequence with the cult and him drinking from a chalice as he meets his wife. She reveals that he sacrificed her health for fame. He didn't know. And this is where I felt sympathetic for him....the entire time he was unaware...he murdered her unintentionally. And so she asks him to murder her in the physical. Take the ritual knife from Lily's old home and finish her off before the cancer can take her....only for him to plunge the knife into her and reveal that the dream was fake. And he has stabbed Lily to death. He stands and we get a heart wrenching scene of him trying to say the skeptics activation phrase to wake up while surrounded by the carnage he somewhat unknowingly caused...
Overall I give this 3 worms out of 5.
The AI made my eyes roll and the effects were corny but the premise and scenery and aesthetics were beautiful. I sort of reccomend it if you can watch it in a non supporting way.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
For the ships ask:
ahh i can always count on you to send me something rodney related for an ask 😂 i love it
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
honestly i gotta go with rodney and elizabeth! their friendship is everything to me and i wish we got to see more of it
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
clicked a playlist hit shuffle and Solitary Man by Johnny Cash came on and uhh. yeah that's a pretty john sheppard song! 😂
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t.
john/elizabeth. idk why i just. i can't see it. i love their friendship but them as a couple just feels. Wrong to me
N - Name three things you wish you saw more of in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice).
the only thing that comes to mind is i wish there was a gif of that one shot in epiphany where they're all in the field looking for john and the beast attacks and rodney and carson have their guns drawn and they're in front of elizabeth. haven't been able to find a gif of that anywhere lmao so if you've seen it let me know!!!
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
i already answered this so i'm gonna plug another dumb fic i've written- Bone??? it's just that scene from b99 but with john and ronon and lorne lmao
Y - What are your secondhand fandoms (i.e., fandoms you aren’t in personally but are tangentially familiar with because your friends/people on your dash are in them)?
okay i have a bad habit of not paying attention to/remember names of things so i might get the names of these wrong but 911(?) the firefighter(?) show and saving hope (charlie 🥺) give me so many feelss and i've never seen them lmao
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marciabrady · 3 years
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ELIZABETH TAYLOR giving a different perspective on → THE TONIGHT SHOW STARRING JOHNNY CARSON (February 21, 1992)
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chaptertwo-thepacnw · 2 years
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miss diana ross, march 02 1977.
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theoddcouple · 3 years
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Tony Randall on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (September 17, 1974)
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fatmagic · 4 years
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only70sgifs · 5 years
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retropopcult · 4 years
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Carrie Fisher, Garry Shandling and Johnny Carson share a laugh on The Tonight Show, July 1983.
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vonter-voman · 6 years
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First appearance of Lynda Carter on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, on November 11th, 1975, right after The New, Original Wonder Woman premiered.
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ipsiducis · 5 years
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hehe i am watching old johnny carson episodes on youtube and i just got to the one with the muppets hosting w/ vincent price was one of the guests. he would have been great on a children's show 😆 he's so funny
I love him!! I have gifs from that episode. I'll post them soon.
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